First of all, we don't believe that the Bible was given to destroy the unity of God's children or to hinder the accomplishment of His work on this earth. Keeping unity in the Body of Christ is an indication of your spiritual maturity; Eph. 4:11-15. God called us not to fight with one another but to save people for eternity. Our real foe is the devil. We understand that doctrinal disputes are sometimes just a trick of our bitterest enemy, who wants to ease thousands people to the everlasting fire. It is not wise to discuss the right for personal immunity if you see that someone is going right under a truck's wheels. So in our church we try to have COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION with all true children of God, that was born from above and aims at saving the lost. Our goal is not to prove that we are most right in our belief, but to reach every available person at every available time by every available means with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so if you think in this way, please… |
We believe that for salvation, a person needs to experience real repentance, confess his own sins before God , and make a deep decision to serve and obey Him. We are saved by faith alone and can't please God with any of our good deeds. We express our faith by water baptism. Water baptism is a public declaration of faith in Christ as one's personal Savior. |
If you believe that the Holy Scriptures are the only foundation and source of true belief, we are in the same boat. Tradition or the experience of any person cannot be considered equal to the Word of God. We believe that the Bible is God-inspired, faultless, and the life-giving guidance given by the Lord for our daily lives. The Holy Scriptures contain the complete revelation of God's will concerning our salvation through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. |
We believe that God is a triune being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is almighty, omnipresent, omniscient and eternally existent. He is the Creator of all visible and invisible things. He is full of love, compassion, and mercy, but He is also righteous and just. He is the source of supply for all of our needs - financial, spiritual, physical, relational and more. And, even more importantly, He is the main connecting element in the Church. You are reading this text and can be our partner and friend, just because of this. |
Jesus Christ is the principal point in the issue of our salvation. He is the only Savior; the unique way to God and to heaven for any human being. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His conception by the Holy Spirit and virgin birth, death for our sins, bodily resurrection, ascension unto God the Father, and imminent return in power and glory. He is our Lord and the chief manager of our life and service. |
We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit and all God's attributes peculiar to Him. He is given to us by Jesus as our source of power (Acts 1:8) and unity (1 Cor. 12:13). He can endow us with His spiritual gifts for our strengthening and for building up the church. He produces a Christ-like character in us. He can manifest Himself through us in various ways, which don't contradict the Bible. We aspire after His presence in our ministry and daily walk but try to avoid fanaticism and extremes, because He provides us not only with power but also with wisdom. We believe that He can accomplish divine healing today as He did in the days of the apostles. |
church is an ESTABLISHMENT OF GOD. The membership of a Christian in the Body of Christ becomes apparent by active membership in the local church's community. We believe that God has established the five-fold ministry in the Church. |
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again to gather all His saints unto Himself. Those who have not accepted His redemptive work on their behalf will suffer eternal separation from the Godhead. We believe that Heaven is the glorious eternal home of born-again believers. |
We believe in the devil as the personality which is the root of all evil in the universe. He is a fallen angel who set his face against God and opposes the saints in the work of salvation and serving God. He rules over demons, which can possess some human beings and cause the destruction of personality in varying degrees. The final destination of the devil and his demons is the lake of fire. |