That is our main goal and
vision! SOULS
are the only values which we can take with us to Heaven for eternity! When you put yourself in our ministry you can be assured that you will invest yourself firstly not in buildings, not in budgets, not in committees but in LIVING STONES, which is most valuable to our Lord! We are focused on attracting people to Christ and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. A real advantage of associating yourself with our vision for you concludes in that fact - that you will put yourself in great vision which is comparable with greatness of our God! He gave us just one life and it is wise to invest our days in truly important things, which will have extension and powerful influence on the endless existence, so... |
"We are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." 2 Cor. 6:16, so our initial aim is "like LIVING STONES, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" 1 Peter 2:5; Attaining the presence the Holy and Almighty God is the principal direction for our church. We believe that as far as we will grow in personal knowledge of God, His presence will fill our meetings and our lives. If your desire to see "The whole earth full of His glory", we are your field! |
A multi-thousand congregation is not a reason for pastor's pride, but reason for celebration about many saved people! Just as we have a big God, our vision is also big! We believe 50, 000 church members which will join our spiritual family by the year 2020. If you believe in the importance of saving people from hell's torments by proclaiming the Good News to them, then you will undoubtedly long to see this vision fulfilled! And moreover, you will promote the fulfillment of this vision by your active participation, because VISION without ACTION is just a DREAM! |
Empowering others is essentially the process of turning followers into leaders. We try to help everyone that crosses the threshold of our church to discover their calling from God, and further them to performing mighty deeds for Jesus in compliance with their mission. We recognize that people already have power through their knowledge of the truth and presence of the Holy Spirit, then we try to create an environment that encourages letting that power out, because "the good leader explains, the superior leader demonstrates, the great leader inspires!" We aim to transform every newly-converted disciple into a successful leader for Christ's Kingdom. We are in the process of creating an effective course which will, in a short space of time, change new believers into successful followers of Christ. So we will gladly use your experience in discipleship and leadership. You will put knowledge, given to you by God, into active use. We always remember that change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future! |
Our desire is to be not only a strong army of God, but also His loving family where tormented, depressed and addle people can find help, peace, encouragement, understanding, guidance, forgiveness and hope. Your close friendship is a way that we can get some warmth. We need to experience your love in Christ so that our vessels will be full with His cordiality which we could impart to other people. |
We are the salt and the light of the world, so we ought not be afraid of secular culture but rather modify the world's standards of life in God's way! Our goal is to win back the mass media from the ungodly and let the Lord be praised everywhere! So, WE ARE GOING TO ACCOMPLISH THIS THROUGH:
If you are experienced in some of these areas, we welcome your help and advice! |
We are not going to build our own Kingdom - Kingdom of the Living Stones...Our goal is to build the
Kingdom of God, so we try to cooperate and work together with other churches.
Our desire is to unite all the children of God, so we aspire to be a united
element in the Kingdom of God.