The harder we try, the luckier we are! Successful
people are simple people who learn to solve their problems... they are
not people without problems. Hardship in the beginning of Living Stones church helped us find some effective ways in people's attracting and discipleship! Thanks to a time of stress we were healed from many spiritual myths. At present we indeed know what will work in church building and what is just good fairy tale about church's work... The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them! |
Even when we lost, we learned what our weaknesses were, and we went out the next day to turn those weaknesses into strengths. Success seems to be connected with action. You've got to jump off cliffs in strong God's arms, by faith, and He will help you build the wings on the way down! Have you ever noticed that the only ones who ever reach their dreams are those who have them! The difference between a successful Christian and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will and faith.