The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. You can study all the books there are about pastoring, but it will never compare with one day of practical work in the Lord's field, because the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Unfortunately, most people mentally add a condition to all of their commitments: "as long as it's not uncomfortable." Pastor Alexei always strives to help newly planted churches in spite of the difficulties that come along with such works. So, when you become involved in the ministry of our church you will come to see that he have gained abundant practical experience in the development of newly planted churches. In other words, you will see his deep understanding |
of specific problems related to new church development. What is more important, you will discover his readiness to face different surprises the Devil may bring. So, your mission will be successful and will bring you happiness and satisfaction. The trouble with the future is that it keeps getting closer and closer. But today is still not too late to start planning for your future mission work with Living Stones church!