Whether it is possible to exchange a soul on a pair of old frayed jeans? YES OF COURSE !!! How Jesus could attracted so many hearers and why multitudes constantly followed Him? It took place, because HE EFFECTIVELY FULFILLED THEIR NEEDS! He fulfilled spiritual as well as physical, social, and emotional needs of the crowd! So, if you want to help Living Stones church in effective evangelization we expect from you some humanitarian aid for our needy people, who is best candidate for salvation! Some Christians think that we should help world just in spiritual dimension... But we must realize that people don't care what we know, until they know how we care! Better to say, people always
will stick to somebody who will fulfill their needs. When we will help
them as representative of Christ, they will be glued to Jesus! |
How we can show love of Jesus to the world? The food and cloth is the tools for reaching them! It's neediest things for every person in the world, so you will hit the mark, when you will support our future disciples with this things! We are sure that you can accomplish this task, because even our small Living Stones church in Kiev sometimes help new churches in the villages with clothes. In spite of our own economical distress, everyone can find at his home some old trousers and shoes, which still suitable for using... So, you can also investigate your wardrobes and small pantry, make some collection among your friends or even contact us with some humanitarian aid organization. In any way your work will bear a good fruit expressed in saved souls. You will exchange a souls on a "pair of old frayed jeans?" |
Certainly, that our motivation should be a motivation of compassion! Jesus never help somebody under the stipulation that one will be His follower... Some shut-ins never could visit our churches, but they nevertheless need our help and experienced love of God, so we will help them... And not only, today in Ukraine we have many people, which can't pay for their medication, so if you work with medicine and can help in some way we with gladness will receive your participation! WE WOULD THAT YOU ORGANIZE:
It's not a secret for you, that in Ukraine horrible state of economic. Our pensioners receive less than 30$ per a month. Every day we can observe some people that explore trash cans... It is terrible, but what is more worse, that most of our old people were grown in the communist past and absolutely nothing do not know about Jesus. So, we have key given by Jesus to save some of them for eternity! We can fulfill their material needs and also prepare them for everlasting days! If you wish help in work with old people please contact us. |
It is quite a big stress for the young lady to give birth a child, and become accustomed for the new social state, in the role of young mother. Constant absence of her husband, who try to cover all new bills, sleepless nights, etc., sometimes this period of life is a root of family divorces, but also some young mothers is quite open for God at this time... So, if your heart desire to reach young families, we invite you join our saving team! A real advantage for you concludes in that fact, that you easily will find your future disciples of Jesus! They walking along the streets with the baby buggy everywhere, and what is more, because of loneliness and plenty of free time they are ready to talk with everyone about anything, so you will see grate possibilities share Gospel with them and grew them in Christ! And not only, but you can organize some seminars for new families, to help them avoid many errors, to feel your care and in the end to find Christ! |
Our God is the God of orphans and widows. He have special treatment with little ones, who don't have parental care, so if your heart aspire toward thrown out children you moving along with God's aspiration! You will see enough possibilities to work with street kids in our city. Very your collaboration will change destiny some of them! Street Kids in Kiev are what is called "social orphans". Although they have parents at home, they are forced onto the streets because of abusive home situations, poverty, and abandonment. In order to survive on the danger-filled city streets, they often turn to begging and stealing as a way of life, sleeping in basements, abandoned buildings and even in sewers. So, if your desire to help them is bigger then fear before "uncomfortable ministry" we wait for your actions! It will be a grate blessing for our community and big step of faith from your side, if you will make a resolve to found some refuge for the street kids, because for highest possible effect they should be elicit from their social environment. In any way we will be glad to hear projects from your heart... |