Andrew did not have any fish or breads but he was acquainted with a boy, who possess some... So, through the mediation of Andrew Jesus could fulfilled grate miracle! Undoubtedly, you want that God will accomplish through you marvelous things, but may be at present you can't help as evangelist or musician? So, you can serve as Andrew! You will be a God's bridge between us and some of your friends, who would and could help! When you will use your contacts, you become true participant in the building of the Kingdom of Jesus. Please, find time for the meditation and prayer about this mater. God will show you someone whom He want to tie together with us through your assistance. A real advantage for you concealed in that fact, that fruits of our mutual work will be also your fruits! WHY?! Because you become a CONNECTING LINK for GOD! |
We believe in the local church's authority and don't approve when church's members will act willfully, contrary to their pastors. So, first of all introduce us to your pastor or leader and then you can present us for the future helpers. It will keep peace in the Body of Christ and will be blessed by God. Moreover, your pastor can give you some information about ministry-minded members in your congregation or even send someone to us as the representative of your church. |
The indication of the church's spiritual maturity is ABILITY TO SEND someone on the outside mission! When the Holy Spirit see deliberate church, He says: "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." HE ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST! If you are the senior pastor,
it means for you, that God will ask you to give for the Living Stones
church your BEST "SAULS"! It will be grate joy for us to receive your "Sauls" and inform you about victories which become possible thanks to your disciples, and what is more, thanks your faithfulness to our Lord! So, pray and God will show how you can be a connecting link between us and your ministry - minded members. And also, He will show you whom He choose to extend your ministry in the distant lands of Ukraine! |
Without question you know some of your friends who will be interested in working together with Living Stones church for manifestation God's glory in Ukraine. You know them better then somebody else. You know theirs abilities and their requirements, so only you can give them references about us in the the most appropriate form. And what is more, they will accept references rather from you than from somebody else. It means that only you have UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to be a connecting link between us! |
We live in the informational age. Today possession of information determine success in any undertakings. So, you will affect on success of the Living Stones church, if you let us have some contact information, which belong to you, about useful people, events, materials or concepts. Your recommendation can weight for us even more, than some material resources, so we will wait to hear from you! |