First sermons


Persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite.

It's really heard to preach from Sunday to Sunday to thin hall... But God knows better us, His ways, His plans and His times, which He prepared beforehand!

Sometimes He need to kill pastor's pride through failure, and let him see what is more important for his heart - ocean of peoples attention or simply delivering divine truth, even for few worst sinners?!

We have dreamed to invite you, as helper, from very church's beginning, but God should be first guide us through "wilderness" and prepare our hearts in complete loneliness...

Successful people of God, keep moving in spite of circumstances. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Success is about going from failure to failure without loss of faith enthusiasm!

Winners win and lose more frequently than losers because they stay in the game!

Without questions, in the way of your mission you will find many obstacles, but you should keep commitment of your heart to your calling.

Commitment is the willingness to pay the price necessary to cause luck and vision to happen!
Winners never quit. Quitters never win ...

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