Some do's and don'ts

1. Don't agree to invite a Ukrainian to visit, live, study or work in the US. If someone asks, tell them that all requests must go through the American and Ukrainian team leaders.
2. Don't go thinking you're the expert. Go with a teachable spirit and a learner's attitude.
3. Be prepared to be flexible regarding food, accommodations, transportation, schedule changes, slowdowns, etc... (Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken).
4. Attempt to eat some of whatever is set before you (and don't complain about the food).
5. Come with a compassionate spirit for people who have suffered long and hard from oppression of years past. Many women and children have also suffered from the abuse of drunken husbands. All are suffering under a deteriorating economy.
6. Love and respect the older Christians, even if you don't agree with all their traditions. You don't fully understand why they do what they do and you won't have enough time to earn the right to encourage change. Do not speak badly about the traditions of the older church with newer believers from different churches. While in the presence of the older believers we should gladly and willingly follow their traditions as good and respectful guests.
7. Be sensitive to the culture and try not to offend as much as possible. For example, most Ukrainians consider it very bad to whistle while in a home or to put your feet on a chair or table.
8. Don't be ethnocentric. Don't boast about how much better the USA is and don't belittle the Ukrainian culture, even if the Ukrainians make fun of their life. It is one thing for them to make fun of their culture, but it becomes offensive if an American does. It will be a temptation to make light of the economy. Don't gloat over the "defeat" of communism.
9. Don't come with a tourist mentality. You are in Ukraine to serve Christ and his Church.
10. Be careful about what you promise. It is best not to promise anything on the spot until you have time to reflect, pray, and seek counsel. If you promise something you must be faithful to fulfill your promise. Also beware that many Ukrainians hear your "maybe" as a "yes".
11. Be very careful about your wealth and how you use and spend money in the presence of Ukrainians. You are wealthy in their eyes. Careless use of money can hurt your hosts.
People don't plan to fail - they fail to plan...
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